Fancy Dress
Party Goods
Hereford's first and best balloon & fancy dress shop for over 30 years.
Explore our range of lenses
We sell Funkyvision and Mesmereyez contact lenses - market leaders in fashion eye wear.
Whether you want to unleash your inner zombie or just fancy a change of eye colour our lenses are safe to use, with great durability and astonishing effects.
Please view the slide gallery below to check out our current range and prices.
Safety first though!
Always read through and follow the safety guidelines.
We provide full safety and usage advice sheets and also supply the extras you might need like soaking solution and spare holders.
NOTE: As these items are age-restricted we will only be selling them in person and not online
Contact lenses will not be sold to under 16s.
Instructions and care notes are provided.
You will need to soak your lenses in contact lens solution before wearing (and to store multiple use ones in)